Puntiagudo Volcano Ascent
The emblematic Puntiagudo volcano is undoubtedly an icon of the Los Lagos region and southern Chile. Its steep slopes have earned many stories and the desire of many mountaineers to reach its summit.
- Season: Winter/Spring
- Duration: 2 days
- Walking time: 10-12 hours
- Difficulty level:Very high
- Starting point: Osorno/Pto. Octay Octay
[:en]The emblematic Llaima volcano is an Araucania’s icon and a beautiful challenge for those who dare to climb its slopes. It’s the second highest volcano in the region surpassing the 3000 meters above sea level. Its location makes the volcano the main sightseeing point of the area. From the summit you can enjoy the view of Conguillio lake and the various southern chilean volcanos.
- Season: All seasons
- Lenght of the activity: Full day
- Hiking time: 10-12 horas
- Difficulty: High
- Starting point: San Martin 438, Temuco
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Vacation Style Holiday Type
Activity Level Alto: Requiere buena condición física y técnica